Kitchen Herbs | My Vintage Garden | Oregano Love

I love gardening as much as I love reading. They’re both labors of love and escapism. Two glorious things.  

After all, Cicero once said, “If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” Agreed  

I am beginning to check the soil, clean up the garden, and figure out what I want to plant now that it’s starting to feel like spring in Northern California. 

I have a lot of herbs growing because they’re so good at being - and staying - perennial in California - the weather is mild enough to keep them growing year round.

My oregano is looking mighty good right now. The green is verdant and it smells incredible. 

I would love this little herbs chart for my kitchen. It’s both beautiful and educational.

March is nigh, as is Spring. For all of you knee-deep in snow and rain, hang in there. Change is coming. 

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