Weekend Flash Sale at Perennial Vintage │ Vintage Clothing Sale

 For those of you who watch this blog to get news on the sale dates, then here's one for you!

The logo of a pinecone for Perennial Vintage
20% off the whole shop through February 25th, 2024. This month has been rather lackluster as far as sales go. 

However, this is often the case in early winter. We're coming off of Christmas, so many folks are paying back Christmas expenses. And looking for items for themselves isn't necessarily at the forefront of their minds. Just paying off debt and keeping their head above water.
The Word Sale
20% off Flash Sale
Spring is just around the corner. About a month away, people. The flowers here in Sacramento - and all of Northern California - are beginning to bloom.

I'm always surprised it happens so early every year, and then I remind myself: I live in California. Ha. Of course, it's early. 

With our mild winters and constant sunshine, spring begins early every year (February) and we get a head start into summer by May.

I spotted this gorgeous flowering pear tree a couple weeks ago, and now, they're flowering all over our valley. Flowering pears and apples and all sorts of beautiful trees are in bloom in February here.

Happy early spring and if you've got your eye on something in the shop, now's the time to get it.

Flash Weekend Sale going on now.


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