Friday Flowers │ From the Garden

A close up of a pink tulip tree flower bud

I took a walk a couple of days ago and the first signs of spring are out and about. I love tulip trees. Their blooms are some of the most beautiful to me. This flowering tree is in my neighborhood and I took a picture as I walked by the home with its magnificent blooms in the front yard. 

The tree's flowers hadn't opened yet but it most certainly has by now. Slow living is about appreciating beauty and the simple things that surround us. I'd say appreciating the flowers and blooms is a perfect activity. It's a simple action with a grateful attitude. And it's free. Win/win/ win.

The "spring forward" time change is this weekend. Am I ready to lose yet another hour of sleep? Considering I wake up most days at 5:30, my answer is yes. I'm more than ready.

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