Vintage Garden Saturday │ Views of my Backyard

I tend to post all of my garden/flowers/plants/ trees posts on Saturday here on this vintage blog, Perennial Vintage Supply.

It's probably because posting these foliage and blooms shots signals the start of relaxation - or at the very least, not as much work. I still work Saturday on writing and posting vintage no matter what, but it's always toned down or lessened to a much more minute level.

It's simple. And simple is sustainable.

Sundays are my day off. No writing, no vintage, and "no nothing" but taking time off to restore my body and soul. Sunday is my sabbath.

Here's a lovely morning look at my backyard. The azaleas still have their blooms. 

I'm grateful for it all. Hope your weekend is beautiful, too.


A view of a backyard full of flowers and a pool

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