Vintage 50s Chain Silver Toned Belt

I've sold several of these types of chain belts over the years. And I just found another one. Here she is. She's not real sterling or turquoise, but still has that feel.

Chain 50s belt

While at first glance it appears to be new, or even from the '80s, one from the 1940s taught me otherwise. This is how I knew it was older.

A few years ago, I found one like it, and the insides of the silver conch-like pieces were etched with names and the date -1949.

vintage chain belt

An art teacher's students gave this belt to her, and each student's name was etched into the back along with the school name.

An etched back of belt

And the last piece of the chain had the date, 1949, etched into it. This is spectacular. I kept this belt for a couple of years and wore it because I loved that concept.

Etched belt piece

This one may not be quite as old, and the shape is slightly different, but it's not what I would have dated it had I not found the first one. She's probably from the 1950s,

I just love her. I'm a sucker for belts, and this one is a beauty.

Vintage belt

She's in the shop.

Crepe Myrtles │ My Vintage Garden

In Northern California, Crepe Myrtles are like Starbucks: they're everywhere.

They tolerate the heat very well - and we don’t have to deal with snow - so they’re a great ornamental tree for the Sacramento Valley.

I don’t have one in my yard but the rest of my neighborhood does. Every one! Pink, white, purple… all the colors.

My frustration with them is they’re extremely slow growing. But if you want a small tree with color, this is a perfect one for your yard. You can keep them trimmed to stay small too.

But old Crepe Myrtles - 30 years and older - are stunning. The picture below is of an old Crepe Myrtle about 40 years old.

Happy weekend.

A mature Crepe Myrtle tree

Flowers from a Crepe Myrtle

Pink Crepe Myrtle Flowers

Vintage 50s Bandanas │ TGIVF

Vintage bandanas are wonderful accessories. They've been used for centuries (think 1700s) and serve many purposes. 

As for sartorial expectations, I think everyone should own and wear them like America used to. It's not as common anymore. But, I wear them as often as I can. They give every outfit a bit of a fashion pizazz.

I just listed three bandanas all from the 1950s to 1960s. Navy blue and turquoise.

All are in the shop. Have a fantastic weekend and TGIVF. (Thank God it's vintage Friday!)

A set of three bandanas

A set of three vintage bandanas

An image of a trunk up elephant on the bandana
Trunk Up Bandana

Vintage Pinched Pottery Vase

Vintage pottery vases are a beautiful thing. It's also something - when I see them and they fit my parameters for keeping a vase - that I want for my own collection.

I've sold many vintage vases over the years in my shop and still do from time to time, but there are random vases - pottery vases - I come across while thrifting that need to be a part of my collection.

I found one today. 

My vintage vase collection is mostly in blues and greens, so this one is unusual in its color (for me) and has a pattern on it.

a vintage vase on a table

But the best part is it's a pinched vase. So, two sides of it were pinched and fired that way. How unique!

This little guy is only about 6 inches tall. There aren't any markings on the bottom, unfortunately. But that's okay. I've set him on my side table in the family room and it fits in perfectly.

A vintage pottery vase on a table

This vase has been in my local thrift store for weeks. And for those weeks, I'd walk by and look at it thinking I should buy it - "Look, it's still here that means I should get it." (And then I shake my head and say to myself, "I don't need another vase!")

Today, I broke down and bought it. For $2.99, it was worth it. It could be handmade by a novice, but I kind of don't think it is. Someone knew what they were doing when making this sweet vase.

Sometimes, it's the little things that are the big things.

Vintage Haul │My Thrifted Finds June 26, 2024

Yesterday's thrifted finds were very colorful.  And quite repetitive. 

You know how if we like something in one color, we tend to want to buy it in multiple colors? Even if we don't need them?

I found other folks' need for repetition today. Four '80s sweatshirts of different colors. Three bandanas are all similar and three other bandanas of a similar type too. I'm positive they all came from the same household.

 And it's not like I don't understand this concept. I do.

When you find something good, you want to have more of it!

Anyway, I love the vintage '70s skirt too. Not only is it a maxi skirt, which is fun and perfect for fall, but it's deadstock. Meaning, it still has tags on it. Never worn!

I do fit it, so it may end up in my closet for a little bit. Alas, it's a work hazard I'm willing to deal with if I have to... ha.

Found vintage denim, vintage belts, and even a few mugs not shown here. Great haul this week. Lots of finds and I'm so grateful.

By the way, the whole shop is 20% off for the next few days. Get on over if you've got your eye on something.

Thanks for checking out my latest thrift haul! All items are headed to the shop this week.

Flat lay of vintage thrifted finds

Vintage flay lay of a long skirt

Grantchester on Masterpiece

Season 9 of Grantchester is on PBS for the season! 

While I love mysteries, I love the vintage in it just as much … if not more than the mystery. Set in the mid to late ‘50s, it’s fun to watch. 

Especially the wardrobe.

As PBS puts it, this mystery is about “A vicar turned sleuth helps a grumpy cop in the Cambridgeshire village of Grantchester.”

I get frustrated with the lead character though. He’s a bit wishy washy. But what’s a good mystery - or any story - without a tragic hero?

Photo of grantchester cast

Vintage Hawaii T-Shirts

I don’t know if it was Magnum P. I’s fault, but Hawaiian t-shirts were a huge thing in the ‘80s.

I mean, besides bushy mustaches and knee-high socks, the floral Hawaiian shirts were pretty awesome. Those have been around for over eighty years. I'm selling Hawaiian shirts that date back to the 1950s right now.

Vintage Hawaiian 1987 tshirt

But the Hawaiian t-shirt... that's more of a '70s /'80s trend and it never really went away.

I remember this blue and white ringer t-shirt. Many of my friends had it and in 1987, I was in the sixth grade. When fashion was a thing; when one is learning how to stand out and also be accepted. I would've loved this.

While I never had this awesome t-shirt, I did have an ‘80s Hawaiian t-shirt. It was royal blue and from a trip my family and I took during the mid ‘80s to Kauai. I wish so badly I had kept that shirt!

Anyway, as with most vintage things, I'm finding I have a way to get the items today that I wanted as a kid. All the things. Basically, I can have everything I wanted. 

The only caveat is I have to wait forty years to get it.

Those 40 years have passed, and I could easily keep this t-shirt. Only now, I'm okay if I don't keep it. It's just nice being able to hold it, try it on, and give it to someone who will really wear it.

It's in the shop, along with the rest of the Hawaiian shirts and dresses I'm selling. But be warned: as I've mentioned before, Hawaii is buying back all of its vintage items. 90% of my sales to Hawaii are Hawaiian items from the 1950s through the 1980s.

Vinage Miss Hawaii tshirt

I don't blame them. I wrote about it before, and I'll say it again, vintage Hawaiian items are the best! The quality and colors of Hawaiian fabrics are nothing today like they used to be (sorry, not sorry).

Magnum, thanks for your influence. While no one will wear their Hawaiian shirts quite like you did (the two top buttons open all the time), you sure left a mark on vintage Hawaiian fashion for the entire world.


Morning Rainbow

I went for a run this morning. 

Mind you, running isn’t my thing. Yet, I’ve been saying this for over a decade and… I’m still running. 

Actually, it’s more of a run / walk now. First mile is a run. The second two miles are in the form of a brisk walk. 

Saw this lovely rainbow as soon as I woke up and looked out my bedroom window. Then had a great peak at it while running. Had to stop to take a snap. 

Slow living at its finest.

It looks neon, almost. And I love how every rainbow comes from a different sky- every single time. Meaning, all are unique. 

All are special. 

Neon rainbow

Edgar Allen Poe Quote

Isn’t this a beautiful image with nice words? (I don’t know who did the art, otherwise I would post it here!)

It’s blazing hot outside here in northern California right now, so this beautiful scene makes me feel cooler just looking at it. 

Edgar Allen Poe always had a way with words... 

Edgar Allen Poe quote

Introvert Wine │ Cabernet Sauvignon Recommendation

The other day, I talked about being an introvert. And how certain character traits allow one to identify where they fit into the Briggs-Meyer and Enneagram identifiers.

An image of a wine bottle called Introvert
Well, when I came across this wine, Introvert, a California Cabernet Sauvignon, I was smitten and had to get it. Yes, like most women, the wine label got me. But not because of the image, rather the NAME.
Introvert Wine

It's practically like finding a bottle of wine with my name on in.

Introvert Wine Label

Cabernet Sauvignon is my favorite wine, Zinfandel is a close second. But this is a tasty wine, with pretty deep notes (I taste cherry) is yummy especially if you're looking for an inexpensive bottle to enjoy. They even carry it at Costco right now. 


Introvert Wine

Marilyn Monday │ Something's Got to Give Screen Test

Being it's Monday, I thought I'd throw a Marilyn photo into the mix.

I love this photo of her and it's mostly because she looks like my mom here! (I need to find a comparable photo for a future post, but seriously, sometimes I see my mom in Marilyn Monroe.)

I believe this is a screen test from Something's Got to Give. This was the last film she was in from 1962. (It went unfinished because of her death.)

Happy Marilyn Monday. ♥

Marilyn Monroe Black and White Screen Test

Roses | My Vintage Garden


Pink rose

Pink rose

When I moved into my current home over 11 years ago, the entire side yard was filled with roses. About a dozen of them. The previous owner loved roses. 

And I do too! But roses require much maintenance. So when we moved in, we took out the smallest and most diseased plants (there were a few) and kept three. 

This pink one is one of my favorites. This rose is probably 20 years or older based on the size of the rose base.

These roses bloom year round. I feel lucky to get to take care of them. They make beautiful bouquets as well. And with just a few plants to take care of, I feel like I can give them adequate attention.


Vintage Yosemite │ Vintage Photos of Yosemite in the 1950s

Today, I came across some beautiful black and white photos of my grandparents when they visited Yosemite decades ago. While the photos aren't dated on the back, I want to say they are from the late 1950s. 

My grandparents haven't walked on this earth in over twenty years, but I think about them all the time. Looking through photos of them is a treat and a form of nostalgia I'll gladly engage in.

My grandfather was an amateur photographer. Back when they used real film on true SLR cameras. Nothing digital at all. His photos were spectacular partly because he was a great photographer and partly because everything was so real.

Real film, real adjustments on the f-stop, real "click" and wind film forward for the next picture. Every shot was intentional. 

I miss them both tremendously.

And is it just me, or did folks back then take unnecessary risks in attempting to look at wildlife? That bear looks inquisitive and somewhat frustrated. But obviously, not too frustrated. I'm alive to prove that. Maybe the bear was just wishing them a good day.

Have a wonderful weekend and thank God it's vintage Friday! (TGIVF)


Yosemite Valley circa 1950s black and white photo

Vintage Yosemite 1950s

Vintage Yosemite 1950s

Vintage photo of bear at Yosemite circa 1950s

Vintage Yosemite 1950s

Summer Solstice │ First Day of Summer 2024

I saw this beautiful work of art on Etsy by artist Danielle Barlow. 

It's a summer solstice piece. The poem is lovely, too.

While I love seasons and the changes they bring, to me, the best day of the summer solstice is that we are now a day closer to fall ... my favorite season.

But God's creation of summer is a magnificent thing. Swimming, ice cream, patio dining, chilled wine... all reasons to have a summer after all, I suppose.

Happy summer solstice and I hope your first day of summer is a beauty.

Summer Solstice art by Danielle Barlow

Daphne du Maurier | Vintage Quote

British author Daphne du Maurier speaks the truth in this quote of hers.

I feel the same. 

Except that to me, simple things, books, and good friends ARE luxuries. I prefer these luxuries.

But, I get du Maurier. This makes perfect sense to me and it’s the pinnacle of simple living.

To each, her own…

Daphne du maurier quote

Tom's Midnight Garden │ Vintage Literature

Tom's Midnight Garden

You want to know what I read recently?

Tom's Midnight Garden. This book is a middle-grade work, written in 1958 by a British author, Phillipa Pearce. Despite those two things that could've persuaded me not to like it (back when I was ten years old and first read it) it instead endeared the book to me. It still felt relevant.

I didn't question the age of the book when I got it for Christmas one year (I think I was ten years old.) I just read it. It was a book, it was a gift from my parents, therefore I would read it. (None of this iPhone/tablet/mumbo jumbo of today).

Turns out, it was one of the most magical books I'd ever read. It literally created the ache in my heart to write books like this. To this day, it's still that magical for me. This book propelled me to want to be a writer.

While I'm still working on that quest of writing, my love for these books hasn't changed

I read all kinds of books today, but I particularly love middle-grade fiction.  Growing up, reading was one of my favorite things to do alongside riding bikes, playing with my cats, and pretend "shop" with my sisters. I had a picturesque and idyllic life. And there's no way I'm going to apologize for it. My life was grand.

And it continues to be grand, in part, because of the books I read.

From Nancy Drew to Little House on the Prairie, and Anne of Green Gables, there was always a supply of books to read. Not to mention, the library was a half mile from my house. My sisters and I went constantly.

It's probably why I love gardens and flowers so much and also why I love magical-esque books from C.S. Lewis's Narnia series to other books set in real life but with magical twists. I'm not talking about Harry Potter (though Rowling's writing is exceptional) but more like realistic, grounded fiction with a supernatural element.

The Secret Garden has this concept, as do books written by Neil Gaiman, like The Graveyard Book. This is also the case for one of my favorite of all times middle-grade author, Kate DiCamillo. I just read her most recent book, Ferris. Again, the book is grounded in reality, with a supernatural twist. Such a fantastic book and I would highly recommend reading it.

While I don't know if I'll ever get that book in my head off the ground, (I did self-publish one about a dozen years ago) I do know books like these make me happy to live the life I do. I love reading and writing. And I know kids today - despite phones, iPads, and technology - can love reading like this still. They just need the right books.

Tom's Midnight Garden which I re-read a week or two ago after thirty years since my last reading, stands the test of time. It's ageless, classic, and the perfect book with the right amount of mystery, intrigue, and relatability. 

And that's what's so great about middle-grade fiction. Everyone can and should read it. It's not just for kids and it's not just for adults. It's the Goldilocks of categories.

Looking for a fun, quick book to read? Looking to read something to your kids, ages 7-14? Looking for old literature whose stories transcend time? This book is it.


Vintage 70s Bohemian Dress │ Vintage Miss Elliette Dress

Today's thrift haul was decent. But I wanted to focus on this adorable '70s dress, by Miss Elliette.

Very much in the vein of vintage Gunne Sax dressesMiss Elliette dresses were made similarly; beautiful bohemian dresses of all styles and patterns.

You know... the flowy, gauzy, princess-y kind. The kind darn near any woman would want to wear because she'd feel like a queen in it.

This style of dress has been back in for the last decade and is just as in-demand today. I am still determining when it will go out of the popularity cycle, but it's having its moment. Again.

It's headed to the shop this week, but I wanted to show appreciation. These kinds of dresses aren't easy to source anymore, so when I find one, my day is made.


A vintage flatlay of a Miss Elliette Dress
1970s Miss Elliette Dress

Vintage 70s dress

Vintage Miss Elliette label
'70s Miss Elliette label

Vintage Mug Monday │ Artist Art Clokey Gumby Mug

Gumby was one of THE quintessential commercial images from the early '80s.

All my friends had little figures of Gumby or t-shirts, lunchboxes, or socks. I don't recall owning anything Gumby, but he sure was popular. And it's okay I didn't have Gumby back then. Because... I have him now.

Artist Art Clokey is the man behind this fun figure. And this mug, from 1983, sure brings back the memories.

Found this squishy, bendy little guy today and he sure is a fun memory.

The mug is in the shop!

Vintage Gumby Mug

Art Clokey Gumby Mug

Vintage Fathers Day | Happy Father’s Day

To all the dads out there - and a big shout out to my dad and husband - Happy Father’s Day!

I’m lucky to still have my dad with me. I’m so grateful.

Vintage Father’s Day

Vintage Father’s Day

My Vintage Home | Tulips

I had about four different bouquets in the house a week ago for my son’s high school graduation party. 

Most have lost their blooms and beauty now and are gone but there was a moment of beautiful in the early evening light a couple days ago.

The lighting was perfect as were the tulips. And I had to take a picture. Isn’t it lovely?

Have a great weekend…

Candle and tulips

Thank God it’s Vintage Friday | Vintage Dog

I love this vintage photo. Dog, study, leather chair, books. 

All this pup needs is a good whisky. And maybe some chocolate  

Have a great Friday. TGIVF. 

Dog in a chair in a library

Vintage Lover and Individualist │ The Enneagram 4

A lot of people have taken personality tests to uncover who they are. While I don't think these tests are definitive - humans are multi-faceted and complex and no test can completely uncover "who" you are - they can shed light on your behavior and why you act as you do.

There are many different tests but two come to mind.

One is made by the Myers and Briggs Foundation, which is a great way to comprehend more about who you are and how you tick. Here's a test to take if you're interested in what MBTI personality you are.

Another is the Enneagram Type Descriptions. Both are informative and get you to think about why you feel, think, act, and live as you do. But as I said before, I don't bank on the results as an "end all" to why I am the way I am.

We may be born with a certain personality but we also make choices. Choices determine who we become as much as our innate personality shapes us.

I'm an INFJ on the Myers & Briggs test and an Enneagram 4 (to a T). Taking these tests (only a few years ago for the first time) made me realize I'm not weird for being the way I am because that's how I was made! INFJs are on the rare side; there aren't a whole lot of us out there, so finding similar people like me has been hard. 

It also points me toward why I love vintage so much. This is one of the biggest parts of why I was happy to uncover more about my personality.

My sisters like certain things like I do, but not in the same way. Sure they like some vintage things, but they don't need it on the same level as I do. They could live without it, whereas vintage is like oxygen to me. I love, live, breathe, drink, eat, and exist for vintage, quality, heritage, and classic things. The same goes for my introverted, thinking, and writing personality.

I'm an old soul living in a world surrounded by people who don't like it like I do.

So, when I uncovered I was a "Four" on the Enneagram types, it affirmed why I loved, lived, acted, and thought the way I did. And it especially showed me I wasn't a nut for loving vintage and creativity like I do! Vintage equals creativity and individualism. My desire to stand out and be unique, well, that's me. And the best part is that there are others out there like me. Just like me. I'm not alone.

This doesn't mean I don't need to work on myself or change my negative traits. Nor does it give me an excuse to just "be the way I am" as an out for bad behavior. But it does remind me that God made me the way I am and I can be secure, understanding, and accepted - even if only by Him - for the way I am.

So, now you know who I am. Curious to know a little more about who you are?

Click on these links to learn more. ►Meyers and Briggs style 16 Personality Types. ►Enneagram Types.

Books for INFJ / Type 4:

The INFJ Handbook

The INFJ Writer (great book - I love this one as a writer. Because, duh, most writers are INFJs)

The Enneagram Type 4


A type four enneagram image
When I saw this image, I about fell over. This is me 100%: Boots, vintage, jeans, books... it doesn't get any more me than this. Sure, I have other traits not listed here, but on the surface, a quick glance, it's me. I about cried when I saw it because it represented me and made me see I love what I love because it's how I was made! I'm not crazy. I'm just being me.

Type 4 enneagram image

INFJ image

Vintage Haul │ My Thrifted Finds June 12, 2024

Today was another great day for thrifted finds. And this time, it's more than a handful of items.

It's warm outside these June days, so getting out early to the thrift stores is imperative before I'm a wilted flower, dragging my finds behind me.

Here's what I got:

A flat lay of vintage items
  • Two vintage '90s braided belts
  • Two vintage '80s / '90s bandanas
  • One Irish '80s Aran Cardigan (Love!! These are always one of my favorite finds)
  • One pair of vintage '60s military olive green trousers fatigues (Again, love!!)
  • One vintage '80s Eddie Bauer men's park
  • One vintage '60s / '70s  fair isle ski sweater
  • One vintage mug (I'm keeping this one - one of mine just broke yesterday and for .99 cents, I couldn't refuse this one - a legit excuse this time to add to my vintage mug collection.)
  • One vintage '70s Pyrex olive green refrigerator dish (keeping for my collection).
Not shown, is a basic '90s denim jean blouse (I forgot to put that in the shot). 

For my Etsy shop, summer months always mean a slump in sales. 

This happens to every Etsy seller in nearly every category on Etsy worldwide. Why? Everyone who is normally buying vintage or handmade items is out traveling!

A celtic cardigan label

Fall is the best time for sales for me and so is the Christmas season. This is why, even in the summer, I'm stocking up on sweaters, pants, long sleeves, and wool items and generally keeping my shop "winterized."

I'm prepping for the busy season. Even though it's blazing outside, that season begins in late August when kids (especially college students) head back to school.

Have a great week, my vintage friends! 

Spring Blossom Redesign Pyrex │ Vintage Pyrex Thrifted Find

Pyrex came out with the lovely Spring Blossom design in the 1970s and came out with a "redesign" of it in 1979. My mom had this pattern, so it's one of my favorites.

Spring Blossom Green, that's this pattern here. I found the smallest bowl (401) in this pattern a few days ago. It was in a semi-rough shape with use and wear all over it.

But, as I always say for those who thrift Pyrex, "Beggars can't be choosy." I have been looking for this little bowl for over three years.  After using a great cleaner that isn't too abrasive (called Peek- it doesn't take off the paint and is very gentle on Pyrex), it looked pretty dang good. Some paint was a little chippy, but not bad at all.

My collection is still coming along and I'm always so excited when I find a piece I don't have. That's getting rarer every day, but that's okay. I'll take it!

It's all about the treasure hunt.

A bowl with green and white flowers

A vintage bowl

A cabinet of vintage bowls

Spring Blossom Info in a book
This is from Pyrex Passion Book. Get it here!

Image of Pyrex in a Book
Pyrex Passion Book Page on Spring Blossom Green - Get it here!


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