Vintage Mug Monday

I suppose I should call this "vintage mug Monday" thing more of a "confessional Monday."

Because half of the vintage mug Mondays I've been writing about this year on the blog are mugs I could've sold but decided to add to my collection. 

This one? I was supposed to set it aside for my friend who loves them as much as I do. But (to my credit) I found a set of two vintage mugs that go together that she'll like which both she and her husband can use instead

Or, that’s what I’m telling myself.

So yes, I confess. I'm keeping this beautiful mug and adding it to my collection. As the saying goes, "Sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission." 

I actually despise that saying because it doesn't work for most situations.

But, knowing exactly how my husband will roll his eyes at my newest mug addition, well... let's just say I'm sorry (forgive me) and be done with it.

Happy vintage mug Monday, my vintage friends.

May your mug be vintage and your coffee hot. ♥

Vintage mug

Vintage mug

Vintage mug

Vintage mug
She's a beauty.

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