Milestone at Perennial Vintage │ 10,000 Sales on Etsy as a Vintage Clothing Seller

Yesterday was a big day for me.
Almost 14 years ago, I set out to sell vintage clothing online.
Etsy was a new selling platform at the time, only a couple years old, and eBay was where I was trying to shift away from,

I didn't set out to sell 10,000 vintage items.
But when passion and love for something take over, it is no longer work but a joy.
I've never worked a day selling here on Etsy.

Every customer, every sale, has been a labor of love.
I do it all for the love of vintage. And especially to connect with other vintage lovers.
If I can give an item to someone who loves it as much as I do - and if that's all I accomplish with this shop - it's "mission accomplished."

That I make any money is a total bonus. I sometimes feel undeserving of it because I love sourcing, selling, wearing, listing, photographing, and being consumed with vintage clothing.

Thank you to all who have supported me in my "work" over the years.
You know who you are. I'm living the dream.

I'm not sure if there's another 10,000 more in me. It's a labor of love for certain.
But you never know. When you love something - or someone - it's not hard to keep pursuing it, you know? It's the most natural thing in the world. 

Interested in selling on Etsy? Check out this blog post.


Selling 10,000 items on Etsy

Sold 10,000 items on Etsy



  1. Congratulations to you! What a tremendous accomplishment.

    1. Thank you so much! ♥ I can't really understand how it happened, and yet, it HAS been a few years. :) Appreciate your words.


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